Global Medical Products has represented Lionville in Canada since the mid-1980’s. Lionville Medication & Point of Care carts can be found in more than 500 healthcare facilities across Canada. Lionville has been a leading provider of drug distribution solutions since 1960. Lionville’s focus is drug distribution. From the earliest cart systems through the development of unit dose, wherever drugs are stocked, administered, or accounted for, Lionville products have been there to help. Acute and extended care drug distribution systems have been their exclusive business for more than forty years. At the beginning of the distribution chain, Lionville’s modular, freestanding pharmacy fixtures set the stage for efficient response to physicians’ orders. On nursing units, Lionville medication carts have earned a position as market leaders by adapting to changing nursing practices through the years.
Principle Product Lines:
- Medication Carts
- iMed – Technology Equipped Medication Carts
- iPoint – Point of Care and Bedside Medication Administration Carts
- Extended Care (Punch Card) Carts for LTC Facilities
- Pharmacy Fixtures & Casework
- Transfer Carts / Pharmacy Master Carts
- Narcotic Cabinets, Secured Med. Storage
Lionville Systems