Global Medical Products: Burlington Head Office Global Medical Products: Burlington Head Office

Global Medical Products – Canada’s Major Supplier of Medical Equipment since 1980

We are a Canadian owned, only in Canada, family run business.

Founded in 1980, we are an importer/distributor of medical equipment, specifically for use in active treatment and LTC (long term care) hospitals.


Our head office may be found in Burlington, Ontario.

Sales Representatives, sales agents and dealers are located in all provinces of Canada.

The Burlington location (office & 6100 square foot warehouse)  is home to an extensive collection of demonstration and evaluation equipment.

We know our customers like to “kick the tires” and get approval from nurse’s, doctors, infection control and other healthcare personnel.  Consequently many of the products that we carry are available for trial/evaluation or as “show & tell”.

Global Medical’s Trial / Evaluation: TRY BEFORE YOU BUY Policy:

  1. Ask, if we have a product available for trial or evaluation we will tell you.  We stock many of the items we sell and most are available for evaluation.
  2. Some products, such as operating room table pads, are not available for trial but a sales representative may bring one in for “show & tell”.
  3. To request an evaluation, simply e-mail info (at) globalmedical (dot) ca or fax an evaluation purchase order to 905-634-2868.
  4. We will schedule your trial and ship you the product on the agreed upon date or a sales representative will schedule an in-service.
  5. Product evaluations last for two to three weeks typically.
  6. At the completion of the trial we will ask you to return the product or buy it (if the evaluation item is available for sale).

Our Areas of Expertise:

  • Pharmacy & Drug Distribution Systems, including Point of Care and bedside EMAR
  • Patient Handling / Transportation & Seating for all applications
  • Patient Positioning in the OR
  • Organization/Storage/Distribution Systems
  • Specialty Products for Pediatrics
  • Specialty Products for Dialysis/Oncology Clinics
  • Specialty Products for Medical Imaging Applications
  • Anything that makes a nurse’s job easier or safer

Complete List of our Partners and Products

Visiting Global Medical Products?
You will find us at 5230 South Service Rd, Burlington ON.  We are located on the west wing (closest to Appleby Line) of this building, about mid way.
Look for Unit 203.   Find us on Google Maps.

Need to pick up or make a delivery to Global Medical Products?
Remember, trucks should enter via the driveway off Century Drive. Our dock is on the west side, 2nd door from the top (closest to the highway)